Ignite Credential Accelerator

Let's Begin Your Journey

Ignite Credential Accelerator

As a professional coach, it is natural that you are determined to acquire ICF Credentials, ACC, PCC or MCC designations at your earliest. Being directly designated by ICF as an Accredited Coach certainly increases your credibility leading to building a successful Coaching Practice as a Professional Coach. We commend your passion and dedication to take your professional Development to the next level.
We at Ignite Global, as an ICF Accredited Coaching Education Provider understand your desire to acquire ACC, PCC or MCC designations, and we have witnessed many coaches struggle to gain these designations on their own and even give up after trying hard. So, we have created a platform that will accelerate gaining your ACC, PCC or MCC Credential with constant motivation and accountability.

What Participating Coaches Say

Frequently Asked Questions (fAQs)

To obtain your ICF credentials, you are required to accumulate 100 conducted coaching hours for ACC, 500 conducted coaching hours for PCC and 2500 conducted coaching hours for MCC. One of the main challenges coaches who are working toward their credentials encounter is how to obtain that many paid coaching hours within a reasonable period of time.

However, the good news is that ICF recognizes reciprocal coaching as paid coaching hours. In order to be considered as Reciprocal Coaching (Paid Coaching for ICF Credential Application), each Participating Coach should conduct the equal number of coaching sessions as a Coach with the respective peer.

We have three levels in the Ignite Credential Accelerator Program for each credential. Once you join the program, you are connected to a large number of highly motivated professional coaches who are working toward the same credential goal as you. Once we process your application, we will send you a welcome email with step by step guidance on how to connect and schedule your reciprocal coaching calls efficiently to achieve the desired number of coaching hours for your ACC, PCC or MCC application in a short span of time. You will be provided with accountability and encouragement in a self-sustaining system.

Ignite Credential Accelerator Program is offered to you absolutely for FREE of charge as you acquire these hours. We promise that there are no hidden charges, advertisements or constant marketing promotions once you join the program.

Ignite Credential Accelerator Program is;
+ Absolutely free
+ You gain coaching hours at an accelerated pace
+ Guidance and accountability is provided
+ Self-sustaining system to make sure you meet your goal

01. Coach Has begun or completed an ICF Accredited ACSTH or ACTP (or portfolio path) program.
02. Has access to Google calendar.
03. Has a WhatsApp messenger account.
04. Willingness to work on a shared goal as a team.
05. Willingness to support and provide accountability to other members.
06. Agrees not to pitch business or sales directly or indirectly to the participating coaches.

07. Agrees to bring to Ignite Global’s notice if any of the participating coaches try to pitch sales or business.

Step 1: If you fulfill and agree to the requirements above, you are welcome to apply.
Step 2: We will review your application and inform you within 10 business days from the date of submission of your application.
Step 3: You will be provided with the list of coaches in the program to collaborate with and added to the WhatsApp group.
Step 4: You set a goal for yourself in terms of the number of Coaching Hours you would like to complete and the time frame within which you would like to complete the identified number of hours.
Step 5: You connect with the coaches of your choice and set up mutually agreed coaching calls for the entire duration. We recommend each session to be a minimum of 2 hours where each Coach conducts one-hour session. These sessions can be in-person or video conferencing.
Please Note: We hope you understand that all the coaches who join the Ignite Credential Accelerator Program are on a mission to increase the number of coaching hours within a short period of time, therefore it is crucial that all participating coaches keep up with their coaching schedule. If you cancel or re-schedule (collectively) more than 6 sessions within 6 months, you will be automatically removed from the Ignite Credential Accelerator Program.

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