How Creating Ripples Can Get You Your Heart’s Desire

water ripple

When the slightest touch of air runs through the mass of water in the deep blue sea, the ripples are formed on the surface of the water, spreading in wave-like motions. Igniting Ripples of Positivity is Ignite Global’s philosophy and every interaction is empowered like a continuous flow of the wind movement to create bigger and more energetic waves that are so powerful and strong enough to carry themselves to the shores.

With our people, our Ignite tribe, we work together to raise the positive vibrations from under the sea and create the most brilliant and strong waves that will catalyse the transformation of humankind. Through the power of coaching and education, we create positive and powerful learning experiences. Our passion creates positive ripples to the coaching community and beyond. Through our process, the positive ripples are recurring and recreating themselves all the time to support our humanity and mankind with collective energy waves. With this purpose, we embrace our authenticity and spiritually develop ourselves to create universal alignment.

Coaching is a journey of passion, power, process, purpose and above all people whose lives are touched by it. Regardless of where you are in your Coaching journey, if you have ever worked with a Coach, you know how Coaching could make a real impact in your life – at multiple and all levels be it personal, professional or spiritual life. Perspectives are extremely important when it comes to Coaching, that’s why for our first blog post, we have interviewed some of our Ignite graduates on how this journey has impacted them and empowered them to become brilliant coaches.

Q. What Does Coaching Mean To You?

Coaching is about unlocking your inner potential and awakening your hidden self to become more self-sufficient and take charge to live a fulfilled life. Many people misunderstand what Coaching is because they think it’s counselling or therapy and only if you have a problem then you would need a Coach. My journey in becoming a Coach has shown that even if I don’t have a problem, a Coach can be a real partner for me to discover my strengths and true potential.

Adelina Stefan

Q. What Makes Coaching Important?

How would it be if someone shows us a place that keeps the most beautiful treasure inside but they do not give us the key to enter? That is what makes coaching important. Coaching is the key that opens the gate to the unexplored potential. And it does so in a kind, respectful and creative way. It enables a human being to discover her/his own treasures and expand from the inside out. Coaching is central for those who are willing to get it all from life and not just look at it from the barrier.

Danielle Garcia

Q. How Has Coaching Impacted You?

If life’s journey was like a ship sailing in the sea, without destination, without orientation, without clarity and purpose, coaching has shown me a way of life I never knew was possible. When I found Coaching, it was as if I found my destination – a beautiful island sitting right there in front of me showing me that impossibilities were just fragments of my imagination. It embarked me on this journey of finding the hidden treasures that were always in the bunker of my ship. Through that process, as if the clouds were unveiled from the sky, life’s purpose became my way of life!

Lux Hettiyadura

Q. What Set You On This Coaching Journey?

Coaching came into my life when I just started my journey on the road of self-discovery. I thought I knew who I was and what I was doing on this planet. However, this knowledge didn’t spark even the slightest bit of joy in me. Coaching helped me to tap into the infinite source of strength, greatness, passion and purpose. It has always been within me but was covered in the mud of other people’s judgements, my own limiting beliefs and fears. One by one, I witnessed the major obstacles being removed as I gained the courage to take charge of my life.

It is fascinating how something can bring so much value into your and other people’s lives: how the heavy veil of fear is lifted, how new secret doors and pathways are discovered, how the pieces of the puzzle are being collected. Clarity arrives and replaces assumptions. Courage brings growth. Mindfulness uncovers the beauty around you.

It doesn’t happen overnight. It is a process that starts with one tiny step, one wish that you willingly turn into a goal.

Maria Chulkstan

Q. How Do You Feel About Adopting Coaching Into Your Personal Life?

Since I’ve started the coaching journey, I realized I did it first of all for myself… And I let the energy manifest itself. That was a turning point in my life, being aware that a new mindset ignited by coaching practice is going to be in charge over my questioning mind.

Adopting coaching made me discover unexpected opportunities even in those places or activities I considered they just exist and as I do believe people can learn, grow and change themselves even they are not aware, I set up myself in a state of curiosity and I allowed myself to explore the huge potential of opportunities by being more present in my own life, paying attention more to my self-reflections and to the learning opportunities. Having this new coaching mindset, I felt empowered and with a higher level of clarity which created a strong connection with my higher self.

First of all, this helps me keep myself in a positive state, both psychologically and physically, and to explore my own identity in a delicate, curious and challenging way, in my own created safe space. From here, I am willing to invest more effort in pursuing my goals by exploring anything that the flux of energy creates for me.

Corina Dudu

Q. How Has Coaching Enriched Your Life Experiences?

Sometime before coaching came into my life, I had read a statement by Lao Tzu, a Chinese Philosopher and Writer, “At the centre of your being, you know, you have the answer, you know, who you are and you know, what you want”. And during my journey to become a coach, I learned how Coaching makes you think beyond your normal, how it is all about being able to communicate to understand yourself and others better and above all, Coaching makes it possible for us to question, confirm and establish our true self.

Carl Jung, a psychiatrist said “The Sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being”, that is exactly what I had been trying to do, and while doing so, I have gained experiences that enrich me.

Dennis John

Q. What Would You Say To Someone Who Is New To Becoming A Coach?

Dear fellow Coach, if you have decided to become a coach it means your soul is calling you to serve humanity. It is a true blessing, and you need to keep that in mind at all times, good or challenging. Through challenge, you will grow to the next level and will be of even higher service! Always strive to become a better you, so your light and love can expand evermore, and create an empowering rippling effect on your audience.

Last but not least, remain humble and never forget that there isn’t one truth but several truths in the oneness of the universe! – 0 –

Natalie Berridge

Q. How Does Being A Coach Make You Feel?

Being a coach is exciting. No two clients are the same, but we all share one thing: our humanity. Working with clients keeps me learning about life and brings me back to my core mission: to make this place a better one, one client at a time.

Mariam Mazboudi

Q. How Has Coaching Shaped You?

Coaching has given me the ability to see so many perspectives, to be more empathetic towards others (and even towards myself), the ability to help others see how to creatively find ways to resolve issues or set goals through powerful and insightful questioning, and the grace to see that all of us are inherently ‘powerful creators’ who have so many choices in how we can live our lives the best way we can.

Lynette Lee Corporal-Penman

Our Ignite Tribe is the essence of Ignite Global, they are the ripples that are causing a greater impact on humanity. The learning experiences we go through together are very profound and life-changing, which ultimately gets integrated into who we are and who we become. Together, as an Ignite tribe, we bring in the passion, power, process, purpose and people to change this world. Coaching is a journey, the one that begins from within you, grows with you and transforms your life in the utmost positive way – and at Ignite Global, we do it together.

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